Instructions to Authors


The template that should be used to write the full paper can be downloaded by selecting the appropriate link, for Word or LaTex users. Within these template files you will find further detailed instructions.


LaTeX template

Word template


If you wish to submit your abstract to a specific session, please precede its title by the session identification  (ex: S1-work title) in the registration form.

Otherwise, there is no need for session identifier.

The abstracts should be SUBMITTED VIA EASYCHAIR, and do not need the above template.


The submission of the full paper for the conference proceedings, is not mandatory but is highly recommended, and it will be submitted using the same platform, using the appropriate Word or LaTeX templates.

The proceedings will be attributed an ISBN and will be published in ECCOMAS site, as in previous editions.

If you do not wish to submit a full paper, please submit the abstract using the full paper template (1st page).



Thematic Conference


5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation

Developments and Applications

Évora, Portugal, 25-26 March 2021