Conference Thematics

The communications to SYMCOMP2021 should be submitted under the broad thematic areas highlighted in the main objectives of this Conference.

Therefore, without excluding other areas/themes not explicitly referred, some suggestions can be considered for the thematic session’s proposals:

Integrated numerical/symbolic computation, integrated graphical/analytical computation, graphical computation, symbolic computation and didactical tools, modeling and optimization, image processing, e-science and technology, evolutionary algorithms, computational intelligence, fuzzy systems,  systems identification and control, ..

In a broad sense, this Conference is devoted to the developments and applications of numerical and symbolic computation in Engineering, in Architecture, in Economics, in Statistics, in Physics, in Management, in Mathematics, in Education,…..


Plenary Lectures delivered by (alphabetical order)














Mini-Symposia’ Organisers are expected to invite participants and to promote the announcement of the Conference.

A Mini-Symposia is constituted by five (4-5)  communications .















Thematic Conference


5th International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation

Developments and Applications

Évora, Portugal, 25-26 March 2021




Elza M. M. Fonseca (INEGI, LAETA; ISEP-IPP), Paulo A. G. Piloto (INEGI, LAETA; IPB)

Computational structural and thermal safety engineering


Ana C. Conceição (CEAFEL/UAlg), Jorge Andraz (CEFAGE/UAlg), Paula V. Martins (Cin Turs/UAlg)

Numerical and Symbolic Computation in Mathematics and Economics


S. Fernandes, C. Grácio, L. Bandeira (DMat, ECT, UÉvora; CIMA)

Discrete Dynamical Systems


Mouhaydine Tlemcani, Mourad Bezzeghoud (ECT, UÉvora; ICT)

Instrumentation and Signal Processing


Isabel Malico (ECT, UÉvora; LAETA/IDMEC)

Simulation and optimization of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer


Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros (University of Huelva, Spain)

Ireneusz Czarnowski (Gdynia Maritime University, Poland)

Applied Machine Learning


Professor Afzal Suleman (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, BC, Canada)

Professor Marcelo de Lemos (Computational Transport Phenomena Laboratory, Aeronautical Institute of Technology, Brazil )

Professor Stephane Bordas (Engineering Department, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

Professor Ton Coolen (Department of Biophysics, Radboud University, The Netherlands )

Dr. Jon McLoone (Director of Technical Services, Communication and Strategy at Wolfram Research Europe )